Doing Good & Leaving our Legacy in Africa

Rhino Africa Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is Rhino Africa’s Doing Good division, whose bedrock are our three pillars: the wildlife, wild lands, and people of Africa. Our CSR efforts are dedicated to supporting and growing community and conservation initiatives on the continent through a unique and generous partnership with our travellers, suppliers, and employees.

It is our vision to leverage our authority in travel to nurture the human and natural capital that is so abundant in Africa, and to ensure its sustainable development. Our clients help support these efforts, too. Just by travelling and booking with us, they help uplift local communities, enrich lives, fund conservation projects, and make a tangible difference in Africa’s wildlife, landscapes, and people.

For Rhino Africa, business has never just been about showcasing Africa’s beauty, but also about leading and supporting sustainable development programmes that aim to ensure the empowerment, education, and protection of local communities, landscapes, and its inhabitants.

Driven by this commitment to leave a lasting legacy in Africa, 2019 saw an expansion of our efforts. In 2020 we hope to further our reach and cement our legacy as change-makers, restorers and preservers of Africa’s most valuable treasures, including her landscapes and wildlife, which is an essential part of our DNA. For the full scope of what we do on a daily basis, have a look at our 2019 Impact Report.

Partner with Rhino Africa and leave your legacy in Africa.

Good Work Foundation

Rhino Africa believes that community upliftment and education are key to empowering future generations of conservationists, innovators, and leaders.

Khumbulani Day Care Centre

Khumbulani Day Care Centre is an initiative that Rhino Africa has a long-standing friendship with. Acting as a haven for 300 HIV Aids-infected and -affected children, Khumbulani had inconspicuous beginnings in 2000 in the 2-bedroom home of Gloria Bebeza.

The Wildlife ACT

In 2012 we formed a strategic partnership with The Wildlife ACT to help fund and support their team of dedicated conservationists who aim to bring our endangered and threatened wildlife back from the brink of extinction.


Challenge4ACause is our annual cycling event which raises money to support the conservation of Africa's endangered animal and plant species and finances projects that uplift poor communities.

Save the Rhino Trust

In 2009, Rhino Africa formed a strategic partnership with Namibia's Save the Rhino Trust - an organisation dedicated to protecting the highly endangered desert-adapted black rhino population who call the Damaraland region home.

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